Please join us in our efforts to help homeless mothers and their infant children.
Service First is participating in The 2019 Builders for Babies Diaper Drive, organized by HomeAid Essentials in partnership with the Children and Families Commission of Orange County. It started on Mother’s Day and continues through June 7 with the goal of collecting at least 1.2 million diapers. It culminates in a June 8 volunteer event at Anaheim Stadium featuring food and entertainment (www.homeaidessentials.org).
Hundreds of local homeless families struggle with the basics, so please donate unused diapers. Or a gift card for their purchase. We’ll collect them, or better still you can drop them off at our offices (https://callservicefirst.com/contact-us/). Sizes 4 and above are especially needed.
Why 1.2 million diapers? That may sound like a lot, but a child needs about 3,000 diapers per year. So that’s a 1-year supply for the roughly 400 homeless families in OC. And an important part of efforts to provide homeless mothers and their children with the essentials.
Did you know that diapers and related products cost about $1,000 per year per child? That’s a big strain on low-income families already struggling to keep a roof over their heads. And the need doesn’t go away if they become homeless. Did you know that as many as 40% of US mothers have had to make a choice between food and diapers at some point? Or that nearly 2/3 of those in Orange County shelters are families?
HomeAid is dedicated to providing lasting solutions for those lifting themselves out of poverty. Working with nearly two-dozen local agencies they help families break out of the cycle of dependency and into self-reliance and self-support.
Your donation multiplied by those of thousands of others will make a difference.