LinkedIn for Insurance Agents – Learn how to use LinkedIn to Sell!
Would You Pay for your next client?
Let’s face it as a Insurance Agent each year you are spending you marketing and advertising dollars on a lot of things that don’t work. Or maybe they are working but the cost of customer procurement is too high and not sustainable. I know you have attended seminars and workshops on Social Media and how important it is, but do you understand how to use it for sales prospecting versus visibility.
Some LinkedIn questions to ask yourself:
Do you have a LinkedIn account?
Does your account have a photo?
Do you have a summary of your experience? And is it conversational or in third person?
Based on what you see online would you do business with yourself?
Does your number of connection really reflect the sphere of influence you have?
If you answered NO to any of these questions than this workshop is for you.
If in the past you have been resistant to using social media, this program will show you how easy and fun it can be meanwhile, changing the way you think about LinkedIn and the way you do business.
The LinkedIn for the Insurance Agent program includes:
- Complete overview and analysis of how you are currently showing up online. Show you how an incomplete profile is hurting you online.
- Determine much is your online reputation is worth to you. you will see what others might be basing their decisions simply based on your profile appearance. Complete overview and analysis of how you are currently showing up online. Show you how an incomplete profile is hurting you online.
- Two full interactive hours to maximize your profile and leverage your time so you only have to do it right ONCE!
- Learn how to generate your own analytics and get known for your expertise. (endorsements) (testimonials)
- Practice authentic prospecting within your own network using “Psychographics” Learn techniques on how to learn more about the people already existing in your network.
- Discover “new” farming techniques that create real connections rather than a hit or miss cold call.
- Learn the magic combinations of key words to help narrow a specific search parameter.
- Create a mission statement and a motto that is optimized through search engines.
- Recruiting new agents – learn what all the top head hunters are doing and how to find someone before they make a move.
- Create an online consistent message
- Find out your clients hot buttons and common ground in seconds.
- Imagine connecting online before even meeting your client and setting the stage for a great client relationship.
- Create your very own email marketing campaigns.
- Have a clean database of names that you can export and keep in one place. No more expensive database management programs.
- Let people know how much you have invested in your career with specific real estate related education that normally gets overlooked. Traditional education is not the only kind and you will learn how it is important to a prospective client.
- Use your LinkedIn profile as a listing tool.
- Take advantage of one of the most highly indexed searches for free and prosper with new clients,
- Get in touch with your past clients and establish your very own company of services to refer out to clients.
Other “Niche” areas of interest:
- Company & Corporation insights:
- Relocations
- Military leads
Speaker outline for LinkedIn :
Privacy & Settings:
Add connections:
- Accept everyone with a photo and ones with no photo with a minimum of connections
- 1st second and third degree
- How to see a third degree without paying for premium
- Some people do not want to be contacted
- Sending invites: always personal and show you read their profile, if not look up their email. Assume that they will say yes.
- What do I do after they accept?
- Message, acknowledge and call. Use the crm notes and reminders as well.
- Message up to 50 people at a time
- Tag your groups
- Top down search key words
- Tag lines areas of service stand out by a nose
- Contact info: make it easy for your customers to buy from you
- Use the word other to add another opportunity to highlight your name or company, face book, you tube etc.
- Handshake greeting not your resume, taking a face book social approach and making it personal. Your 2 minute commercial, USP, elevator pitch.
- Use signature line as if signing off on a letter
- Add link and photos (note it may take 2-3 times for it to go through)
- Copy and paste the about us section and or services offered, the more content the better the seo and visually aesthetic.
- Testimonial videos, or written testimonials, photos etc make it look good.
- Consolidate same jobs to show longer work history in the industry rather than with different companies. List the companies in the body of the experience.
- List all activities and groups, networking groups, mastermind groups, etc.
Skills & endorsements:
Set yourself to be endorsed for the top ten skills you can have up to 50 however let’s not confuse the community and limit their options as most of these are random clicks by people prompted on LinkedIn . You will find people giving you endorsement and not really thinking about. What’s funny is that this is a great way for you to see how YOU are viewed in the industry not what you think you are great at.
Endorsement game: get on their radar, thank each person with an endorsement back and send a message or phone call acknowledging them for doing that. Not a big deal but a great conversation starter.
Education: all not limited to formal or degrees anything that highlights education relative to your industry is actually better and can be used in a listing appt. all seminars, certificates etc ex: notary, license, etc
Awards: great to have even if not individual use your company accolades and also describe what it is for not presidents club but what it stands for.
Publications: articles
Projects: anything outside of your industry that you may do part time but don’t think you can show people that you have other interests.
Interests: the main hub for the “psycho-graphics” you will have to play with your filters and will depend upon the size of your network.
Following: pick industry leaders that people will recognize and know that you are serious about your business
- How to search people within a company
- Create your magic wand clients
- Connect personally with your farm, past clients,
- Go through your network these people at one time thought it was worth their time to connect with you. Use it to your advantage, this is a business networking site and most people glance and say ok cool blank connected with me and they move on, I know most of you spend your day looking to make new contacts equals contracts. Lets also go back to our groups and see what we have in common and circle back with them saying blank as long as I’ve know you I didn’t know you did blank… it becomes no longer transactional but also social I want you to be able to want to have these people over to your house for a bbq because they are fun and interesting people not just because they can give you business.
Groups: filter by interest and start discussions
Social media home page: what to look for, what to post, comment like comment like daily. Activity equals opportunity.
Print out the profiles and create a stack of leads.
Create custom scripts for your top five typical situations: mixers, business cards mobile app.